LULAC: Ayuda de alimentos para afectados del incendio en el Bronx y desarrollo exitoso de Conferencia Mujeres Ser, Bienestar y Liderazgo

El pasado domingo 9 de enero de 2022, se produjo un incendio de gran magnitud, en el que murieron 17 personas, incluidos 8 niños, en Twin Parks North West, Sitio 4, edificio de apartamentos de gran altura en el Bronx, Nueva York, EE. UU.

Fueron 45 personas las que se vieron afectadas por el humo y fueron trasladadas a diferentes hospitales del área, 32 de ellos estaban en condiciones críticas.

La Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos (LULAC) de Nueva York y Connecticut con el liderazgo del Concilio #713, Presidenta Sra. Sady Palma,su Directora Estatal de Connecticut. Sra. Anny Cordero, estuvieron presente apoyando a las familias afectadas del fatídica tragedia.

A través de la ayuda se entregaron víveres, pañales, leches y alimentos para los damnificados.

Asimismo, LULAC desde el Concilio #713 dirige un sin números de actividades en beneficio al desarrollo de la comunidad, como fue la conferencia Mujer Ser. bajo el lema Bienestar y Liderazgo, desarrollado el pasado mes de diciembre.

Con la participación de mujeres destacadas como Toni Khan, Coach de vida y Entrenadora de Liderazgo, así como Ceci Ríos-Nino, Coach de Salud y Nutrición Holística.

Durante el evento, se abordaron temas sobre salud, éxitos y resiliencia y se desarrolló de manera presencial.

LULAC: Food aid for those affected by the fire in the Bronx and successful development of the Women Being, Well-Being and Leadership Conference

On Sunday, January 9, 2022, a major fire, killing 17 people, including 8 children, broke out at Twin Parks North West, Site 4, a high-rise apartment building in the Bronx, New York, USA.

There were 45 people who were affected by the smoke and were transferred to different hospitals in the area, 32 of them were in critical condition.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) of New York and Connecticut with the leadership of Council #713, President Mrs. Sady Palma, its Connecticut State Director. Mrs. Anny Cordero, were present supporting the families affected by the fateful tragedy.

Through the aid, provisions, diapers, milk and food were delivered to the victims.

Likewise, LULAC from Council #713 directs a number of activities to benefit the development of the community, such as the conference Mujer Ser. under the motto Well-being and Leadership, held last December.

With the participation of outstanding women such as Toni Khan, Life Coach and Leadership Trainer, as well as Ceci Ríos-Nino, Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach.

During the event, topics on health, successes and resilience were addressed and it was held in person.